CoBi Tools
The original version of the Computational Biology, CoBi, software for spatial modeling of cell and tissue biology ben developed under DARPA BioCOMP 2002-2006 program [1]. Since then it has evolved into a multiscale multi-bio-disciplinary framework for applications in medicine, biology, bioengineering, pharmacology and related applications.
CoBi tools, developed in C and C++ for finite volume and finite element methods (FVM, FEM) numerical solution of coupled partial and ordinary differential equations (PDEs, ODEs) for several disciplines including: incompressible and compressible fluid dynamics, FSI, multiphase flows, structures dynamics and mechanics, heat and mass transport, biochemistry, electrostatics, electromagnetics, and others. CoBi enables optimization, parameter estimation and inverse problem solution.
CoBi provides unique quasi 3D (Q3D) capability for reduced order system level and multiscale simulations. Q3D models are particularly useful for modeling 3D “tubular” network such as cardiovascular, respiratory, neuronal, microfluidics, and chemical processing systems involving tubes, bio-reactors, pumps, reservoirs, controllers and other components.

CoBi tools are freely (license fee) available for government and academic research and to commercial partners involved in joint development and customization for specific applications.
[1] Andrzej Przekwas, Tom Friend, Rodrigo Teixeira, Z.J. Chen and Patrick Wilkerson (2006) Spatial Modeling Tools For Cell Biology, Final Technical Report, AFRL-IF-RS-TR-2006-318,