Organs and Body-on-Chip Translation to Human
The current drug discovery and development process is slow, costly, and risk-laden. It involves in vitro cell culture experiments and testing in animas. Extrapolation of drug effects from such preclinical studies to human is extremely challenging. Recently developed of Organ-on-Chip (OoC) and Human-on-Chip (HoC) experimental platforms are the disruptive technology in the drug development process. CFD Research, in collaboration with Wyss Inst. at Harvard Univ. under joint project with DAPA and with Los Alamos Labs have adapted CoBi tools for first principles-based simulations of OoC devices and HoC Micro physiological systems (MPS) [1,2,3].
CoBi tools have been used for modeling drug delivery, transport, absorption, metabolism and adverse effects in advanced microfluidic OoC devices. Unlike conventional lumped parameter models CoBi models represent the geometry, anatomy, physics and physiology of organ barriers using first principle-based models. The same models are used to simulate human in vivo barriers. This approach is being established as a next generation In Vitro to In Vivo Translation (IVIVT) framework, shown below.

Working with Pharma, academia and Biotech startups our team is using CoBi tools to develop in silico models of specific OoC devices including liver, lung, gut, kidney, brain, bone, skin, and others. Shown below are two CoBi models of commercially available OoC devices developed by Wyss Inst and Emulate Bio and by SynVivo Bio.
CFD Research offers technical services and partnerships to support IVIVT for using these and other OoC devices and integrated MPS.

- Przekwas A, Somayaji M. (2020) Computational Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Organ on Chip and Microphysiological Systems. pp 311-361, Ch 10 in Organs-on-a-chip: Engineered Microenvironments for Safety and Efficacy Testing, Ed by Hoeng J, Bovard D and Peitsch MC, Elsevier Publ. 2020
- Novak R, Ingram M, Clauson S et al and Przekwas A, Prantil-Baun R, Parker KK, Ingber DE (2020) Robotic fluidic coupling and interrogation of multiple vascularized organ chips. Nature Biomedical Engineering, Jan 2020
- Herland, A, Maoz BM, Cronce M, et al and Przekwas A, Ingber DE (2020) Quantitative prediction of human pharmacokinetic responses to drugs via fluidically coupled vascularized organ chips, Nature Biomedical Engineering Jan. 2020